
  • CrowdStrike IT outage wake-up call for technology use, says WR Berkley CEO

    23 July 2024

    Insurer does not expect material losses from event at this stage

  • Immaterial who wins US elections, taxes need to go up, says WR Berkley CEO

    25 January 2024

    Property and casualty re/insurer posts bumper profit, but warns of volatile environment ahead

  • Insurers still backing fossil fuels despite climate crisis, Insure our Future warns

    09 November 2023

    Fossil fuel underwriting earned the industry around $21.3bn in 2022, according to consultancy Insuramore

  • InsuranceERM's top US stories of 2021

    30 December 2021

    US editor Sarfraz Thind picks out four key themes

  • US insurers still behind Europeans on climate scorecard

    03 November 2021

    Insure Our Future identifies major climate and fossil fuel laggards

  • Lloyd's syndicates reveal Covid-19 losses

    07 April 2021

    Contingency claims top the list, but the pandemic's damage went much further

  • Insurers that failed to hike rates face "rude awakening" post-Covid

    27 January 2021

    WR Berkley foresees trouble as claims frequency normalises and severity rockets

  • Lloyd's sets record straight on its coal policy

    02 December 2020

    Insure Our Future had slammed Lloyd's for not doing enough

  • Scor and WR Berkley detail latest Covid-19 damage

    06 November 2020

    Scor also reports Beirut explosion claims

  • Coal campaigners take Carmichael mine fight direct to Lloyds managing agents

    19 October 2020

    Syndicates targeted directly for their stance on the project