XL Catlin licenses Praedicat's casualty catastrophe models
06 April 2018Software helps to predict the "next asbestos"
XL Catlin steps up Brexit plans with contract continuity clause
19 March 2018Addresses potential loss of EU passporting post-Brexit
XL Catlin joins Asian insurtech consortium
15 March 2018Underwriter's move in latest of insurtech developments across Asia
IMIF launches guidance on model risk management
21 February 2018UK-based group builds on work in banking industry
UK insurers pressed to join government's gender balance initiative
15 February 2018Eight firms named and shamed by Treasury Committee chair
AI insurtech firm raises £4.4m funding from QBE and AIG's Greenberg
06 December 2017Cytora to increase capacity
Marine insurers launch blockchain platform
06 September 2017MS Amlin and XL Catlin collaborate with shipping line and Microsoft
Stephen Catlin to step down from XL Group
05 April 2017Will remain executive deputy chairman until 15 May
XL Catlin becomes latest partner to London insurtech accelerator
20 March 2017The firm joins at least one-dozen European insurers
Internal model forum appoints new chair
27 February 2017XL Catlin's Phil Whittingham to replace Jose Morago