
  • IR&C EMEA 2023: Four geopolitical trends impacting the insurance market

    05 December 2023

    Insurers also heard how risk teams can respond to geopolitical risks

  • Covid and Great Resignation 'popped the lid' on people risk

    15 November 2022

    US insurance experts at the Insurance Risk & Capital Americas conference explained how Covid-19 has led insurers to up their game as people risk challenges begin to bite. Paul Walsh reports

  • Grey swan risks to put insurers in a flap

    17 May 2021

    Climate change, a massive cyber-attack and geopolitical instability are just some of the grey swan risks worrying insurers. CROs tell Ronan McCaughey how they are preparing for these threats, should the worst happen

  • Demystifying emerging risk

    23 April 2015

    The elusiveness and unpredictability of emerging risks can often discourage efforts to manage them. Adam Seager suggests a pathway through the wilderness