
  • Countries delaying IFRS 17 implementation risk creating disaster, warns IASB chair

    27 July 2023

    Andreas Barckow praises insurers for efforts in communicating accounting changes

  • EU carve out for IFRS 17 a "distinct possibility", says IASB chair

    07 June 2021

    Hans Hoogervorst's farewell speech urges transparency over use of carve out

  • Efrag to resume IFRS 17 endorsement process

    08 October 2019

    EU's accounting advisor revokes previous decision to wait until standard is finalised

  • IFRS 17: on the verge of another delay?

    25 September 2019

    Important EU stakeholders are calling for the insurance contracts accounting standard to be delayed once more. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Spelling out concerns with IFRS 17 reinsurance accounting

    22 August 2019

    The IASB has revised the insurance contracts accounting standard to minimise mismatches in reinsurance accounting. This may be good news for primary firms and reinsurers, but other challenges remain, as Cintia Cheong reports

  • Annual cohorts dominate EU debate on IFRS 17 endorsement

    10 July 2019

    Efrag's preliminary discussions on proposed amendments to IFRS 17 reveal growing support to revise the approach to grouping of insurance contracts. Cintia Cheong reports

  • IFRS 17 treatment of investment return service likely to attract criticism

    07 June 2019

    IASB answers Efrag's burning questions ahead of consultation

  • EU accounting advisors left baffled by IFRS 17 deferral

    23 November 2018

    Efrag chooses to discuss endorsement after Asaf meeting