
  • UK's MA reforms: a fixation on attestation

    24 October 2023

    What do the PRA's proposed requirements for attesting matching adjustment benefits mean for insurers, and will it stop them investing in wider assets? Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • Anthony Plotnek to lead WTW's private assets and capital management team

    04 July 2023

    He is the latest in a string of appointments to the PACM team

  • TMTP, internal models and scrapping of RSR headline Solvency UK reforms

    29 June 2023

    Mobilisation regime for new insurers is similar to banking sector

  • UK Solvency II reform sparks worries about extra regulatory requirements

    22 November 2022

    WTW says concerns are about "pushing more power to the PRA to scrutinise"

  • Ripples of interest rate risk hit UK annuity writers

    07 October 2022

    Equity-release mortgages have been a popular asset class for annuity writers, but soaring interest rates, fears of a property crash and regulatory uncertainty are creating questions for the market, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Scepticism about the UK's Solvency II savings

    30 May 2022

    The UK government is projecting a meaningful reduction in capital requirements from its prudential regulation reforms. But some question whether the redesign will make any difference, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • UK's Solvency II study spooks the market

    29 October 2021

    Annuity writers have been shocked by the results of the UK's quantitative impact study on potential reforms to Solvency II and are preparing for a clash with the regulator, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • Actuaries call for improved Solvency II transitional reset methodology

    09 November 2016

    When and how to recalculate the transitional measure on technical provisions has proved one of the trickiest aspects of the Solvency II regime for UK insurers. Actuaries argue the PRA will need to refine the methodology if firms are to take a more meaningful benefit. Callum Tanner reports