
  • Resolution Re enters the UK PRT funded reinsurance market

    30 October 2023

    The UK's PRA has previously stressed risks involved with funded reinsurance

  • UK's MA reforms: a fixation on attestation

    24 October 2023

    What do the PRA's proposed requirements for attesting matching adjustment benefits mean for insurers, and will it stop them investing in wider assets? Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • Major barriers to enter the UK bulk annuity market

    05 September 2023

    Barnett Waddingham expert Craig Turnbull explains what it means for BPA entrants

  • Craig Turnbull joins consultancy Barnett Waddingham

    12 June 2023
  • People moves: Google, IFoA, Africa Specialty Risk and Bank of England

    12 March 2021

    InsuranceERM rounds up the latest risk and capital appointments in the insurance industry

  • Matching adjustment becomes a battleground in UK's Solvency II consultation

    23 February 2021

    Respondents to the UK's consultation on the future of Solvency II have taken starkly opposing positions on the matching adjustment, with some arguing for liberalisation and others for scrapping it. Christopher Cundy reports

  • UK actuaries take another crack at equity-release mortgage valuation

    03 March 2020

    Valuation of equity-release mortgages (ERMs) is one of the most controversial topics in the UK actuarial community, and the latest update from the working party only makes a small step towards resolving the debate. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Solvency II risk margin's cost-of-capital rate "a significant error"

    08 October 2019

    Craig Turnbull comments at presentation of IFoA research on risk margin

  • What's next for the MA and VA?

    04 July 2019

    More than €100bn of capital relief is provided by Solvency II's matching and volatility adjustments, but they are far from uncontroversial. As the European Commission begins to consider reforms, Christopher Cundy reports on the problems and possible solutions

  • Comment: on the Solvency II matching adjustment and credit risk capital

    20 May 2019

    Craig Turnbull argues whether the matching adjustment results in EU life insurers holding a prudent amount of capital to support the long-term credit default risk in their fixed income portfolios