We're only halfway through Covid-19 losses, says Chubb CEO
04 February 2021Greenberg says more hits to come on business interruption and deteriorating credit environment
Catastrophes cost Chubb $925m in Q3
28 October 2020Core operating income for the quarter dropped by 27%
Equality in insurance: what actions beyond the words?
10 August 2020The US insurance sector was quick to state its support for black lives after George Floyd's death resonated across communities worldwide. It has a questionable history of action on racial inequality, but are things about to change? Sarfraz Thind reports
Chubb flags Chinese expansion with increased Huatai stake
04 August 2020The insurer's chief operating officer will manage the Chinese group's strategy
UK's BI judgement could be favourable for Axis, says CEO
30 July 2020FCA test case keenly watched by US insurers, outcome expected in September
Chubb CEO reiterates claim pandemic will produce largest ever insurance loss
30 July 2020Greenberg derides US response to Covid-19, praises UK regulator's work on BI
Chubb sees quarter of annual earnings vaporised by Q2 Covid-19 charge
29 July 2020The $1.2bn charge causes $331m net loss for quarter
Chubb proposes alternative pandemic coverage solution
09 July 2020Public-private partnership outlined by CEO suggests pandemic is insurable
"Vast majority" of The Hartford's contracts exclude virus, executives say
01 May 2020Company vows to "vigorously defend" attempts to disregard or broaden BI policy conditions
Praedicat scenario tool targets Covid-19 litigation assessments
23 April 2020Legal claims likely to dwarf asbestos even as virus continues to spread