
  • Eiopa's Fausto Parente: we are not creating reinsurance barriers

    07 December 2023

    The executive director of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) talks to Paul Walsh about the authority's approach to reinsurance supervision, lapse risk and concerns with current EU developments

  • Frustrations with EU's regulatory approach emerge at Eiopa event

    24 November 2023

    Concerns over regulatory and supervisory issues - and with the EU itself - were prominent during the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority's annual conference, as Paul Walsh reports

  • Use Solvency II review to help insurers, urges MEP

    04 June 2021

    Markus Ferber says the reforms can be a chance to make the insurance industry's life easier

  • Eiopa to disclose supervisor board's voting results

    14 April 2021

    Fausto Parente confirms change following decision from European Ombudsman

  • Counselling sessions replace after work drinks at UK insurtech

    03 November 2020

    Urban Jungle's CEO explains why the lockdown affects younger employees' mental health

  • Eiopa in 2021: more staff, more responsibilities

    02 November 2020

    Europe's insurance authority is hiring nearly 35 more staff as its responsibilities grow. Executive director Fausto Parente explains what they will be doing, in conversation with Christopher Cundy

  • Eiopa extends term of executive director

    30 September 2020

    Fausto Parente will serve for another five years

  • Regulations not an excuse to stop innovating, warns Axa UK chief

    01 March 2018

    Amanda Blanc also spoke of how active the insurance sector is in the field of innovation

  • Eiopa's Fausto Parente: convergence is the remedy for regulatory arbitrage

    21 November 2017

    The executive director of the EU's insurance authority discusses its new powers, Brexit, supervisory convergence, insurtech and sustainability in this interview with Christopher Cundy

  • Eiopa selects Parente as executive director

    28 January 2016

    Head of supervisory regulation at Italian supervisor takes over from Carlos Montalvo