
  • Auditors and insurers bond over IFRS 17 frustrations

    22 March 2024

    Auditors and insurers were never going to face an easy ride implementing IFRS 17. Both parties have detailed the challenges they faced over the last year and why they're not over yet. Paul Walsh reports

  • IASB amends IFRS 17 to fix transition mismatches

    10 December 2021

    Change relates to transition only, other requirements are not affected, says IASB

  • EU carve out for IFRS 17 a "distinct possibility", says IASB chair

    07 June 2021

    Hans Hoogervorst's farewell speech urges transparency over use of carve out

  • IASB will not change IFRS 17 aggregation requirements

    14 March 2019

    But amendments for credit card contracts and risk mitigation option approved

  • IFRS 17: the new cloud on the horizon

    08 December 2016

    Could IFRS 17 be even more burdensome and costly than Solvency II? A final text is due to be published in March and insurers are looking for fundamental changes – otherwise some will face a long and expensive path to compliance. Sarfraz Thind reports