
  • Australian insurers' bushfire bill hits A$2.3bn

    13 July 2020

    Fire was large part of A$5.3bn natcat insured damage last summer

  • Australia's insurers get grilled after the country burns

    21 May 2020

    A parliamentary committee took Australia's insurers to task after a torrid season of bushfires, Covid-19 and scathing criticism of their conduct and governance. David Walker reports

  • Insurance Council of Australia recruits Andrew Hall as chief

    20 May 2020

    Hall joins the ICA from the Commonwealth Bank

  • IAG warns "no easy ride" for reinsurers hiking prices at next renewals

    30 April 2020

    Insurer does not foresee repeat of 47% price jumps experienced in 2011/12

  • Australian floods pose reputational risk for insurers

    11 February 2019

    The floods in Townsville, in northeastern Queensland, have triggered 13,560 claims to date

  • Change management rises up the risk rankings

    16 July 2015

    As external pressures mount, change management is becoming central to an organisation's success. Asa Gibson reports on the findings of the latest Banana Skins survey