
  • US risk experts map out wish list to mature cyber market

    19 May 2023

    Speakers at the NAIC international insurance forum in Washington DC shared their insights

  • Trump government threatens federal and international regime for insurers

    06 December 2016

    'Systemically important' designations, the EU-US covered agreement and US enthusiasm for the IAIS may all disappear over the next four years with Donald Trump as president. Some state commissioners are planning to make the most of an administration that, like them, sees too much power in the hands of federal authorities. Callum Tanner reports

  • Adjusting the leash for disruptors

    01 June 2016

    Regulators must live up to the challenge of fostering innovation while ensuring insurtech firms and incumbents remain on equal footing. Asa Gibson reports

  • Transparency critical to G-Sii methodology, says EU official

    27 May 2016

    Adds that designating firms on an individual basis as systemic is "paradoxical"

  • NAIC elects 2016 leadership

    25 November 2015

    John Huff replaces Monica Lindeen as president after resignation of president-elect Michael Consedine