
  • Zurich wraps up acquisition of ANZ life business

    04 June 2019

    Deal for OnePath Life is part of three-year strategy to improve business mix

  • Zurich's P&C profits lead positive H1 result

    09 August 2018

    Improved underwriting, cost reductions and no charges from Ogden rate boost operating result

  • Zurich disappointed by regulator's demands on internal model

    08 February 2018

    Insurer reveals $700m hit from hurricanes

  • Zurich appoints new CRO from local rival Swiss Re

    01 September 2017

    Alison Martin to replace retiring Cecilia Reyes

  • Generali makes quick work of parting ways with CFO

    26 January 2017

    Alberto Minali will leave in five days

  • Greco reshapes Zurich's governance

    10 June 2016

    In response to "changed dynamics" of the insurance industry

  • Generali's solvency capital dominated by investment risks

    18 March 2016

    Insurer risk-weights sovereign bonds in internal model

  • Greco's first task as Zurich CEO may be reserves hike

    27 January 2016

    Bernstein analysts argue that buffers are depleted

  • Zurich shares plunge 8% as Q4 losses mount

    20 January 2016

    Expects $275m impact from UK floods

  • Generali's Solvency II ratio up 14 points

    30 July 2015

    Italian insurer awaiting partial Solvency II internal model approval