
  • IR&C EMEA 2023: UK insurers reveal progress on climate transition plans

    08 December 2023

    Experts at InsuranceERM's conference this week discussed how to make plans credible

  • Sharpening the aim on scope 3 emissions

    03 October 2023

    Value chain data is a necessary but notoriously difficult part of insurers' greenhouse gas emissions reporting. Joshua Geer explains the current challenges and sources of hope on scope 3 emissions

  • Engagement processes help insurers tie the knot on net-zero

    11 May 2023

    In order to meet their net-zero ambitions, insurers will need to bring clients and stakeholders along with them. Joshua Geer asks three heads of sustainability to explain how they are approaching engagement - and when to employ exclusions

  • The implications of the net-zero transition for insurers

    19 April 2023

    As more insurers pledge to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, InsuranceERM gathered sustainability experts to discuss the risks and opportunities as firms develop their decarbonisation pathways. Paul Walsh reports

  • ESG for insurers is about education, support and guidance

    08 February 2023

    Sustainability leads at Lloyd's of London, Convex and Fidelis explained how their ESG and net-zero strategies are evolving, and whether 2050 goals are realistic, at a Fitch Ratings event last week. Joshua Geer reports

  • Fidelis extends sustainable underwriting rules

    22 September 2022

    "We don't have all the answers, but we need to start taking action," says Bermudian re/insurer