
  • The EU Taxonomy makes insurers look bad at sustainability - but is it fair?

    16 July 2024

    In their first year of reporting, several major insurers have disclosed that none of their activities qualify as sustainable. Joshua Geer investigates whether the insurers or the EU Taxonomy framework is at fault

  • ISSB and EU pledge to minimise the sustainability reporting overload

    31 October 2023

    European firms will have to comply with both EU and IFRS sustainability disclosure standards from their 2024 annual reports. But the two standard-setters have promised to be as harmonised as possible, as Joshua Geer reports

  • Insurance Europe supports ESRS after MEPs' pushback

    20 October 2023

    But the trade body recognises the burden of meeting sustainability reporting obligations

  • European insurers to consider ISSB decision on climate scenario analysis

    03 November 2022

    International Sustainability Standards Board demands scenario analysis in new disclosure standard

  • Insurers back drive for global sustainability disclosure standards

    06 April 2022

    The International Sustainability Standards Board has launched a consultation on the issue

  • "Pedantic interpretations" erode principles-based benefits of IFRS 17

    05 April 2022

    Experts have also criticised a recent decision by the IFRS Interpretations Committee