
  • MassMutual goes hunting insurtech start-ups in Asia

    08 November 2018

    US insurer commits $50m of general account to venture

  • UK updates genetic testing code

    24 October 2018

    Sixth iteration of the long-standing agreement on use of genetic testing in insurance

  • Finding the goal in insurtech - part one: the investors

    18 September 2018

    Strategies for capitalising on new insurance technologies are as varied as the technologies themselves. In part one of this series of interviews, Cintia Cheong talks to insurtech investors about the most promising areas for tech development, and how they are making their investments

  • IAG hires non-execs with tech experience

    13 March 2018

    Appointments follow that of new CRO

  • Actuaries Climate Index remains at record high

    18 January 2018

    Sea level rise is the biggest factor

  • Swiss Re's Dan Ryan: UK moratorium on genetic testing will have to change

    08 December 2017

    Dan Ryan, head of research at the Swiss Re Institute, talks to Cintia Cheong about the rise of genetic testing, life insurtech, and why insurers and academics need to work together to understand mortality trends

  • RSA Ireland actuaries and CFO fined for misconduct

    22 February 2017

    Follows accounting scandal revealed in 2013

  • Phoenix pays £935m to acquire Abbey Life

    28 September 2016

    Deutsche Bank sells closed UK life insurer

  • IAIS reaches fork in the road on systemic risk

    26 July 2016

    International regulators are opening up to the idea of framing systemic risk in market-wide activities rather than individual companies. Callum Tanner reports

  • Transparency critical to G-Sii methodology, says EU official

    27 May 2016

    Adds that designating firms on an individual basis as systemic is "paradoxical"