
  • Solvency II, IFRS 17, local GAAP, Basel IV... where is the consistency?

    03 September 2019

    For the health of the financial sector and for the good of European citizens, accounting and solvency regimes for insurance and banking must be aligned around the same valuation concept, argue Serge Moulin, Giulio Terzariol and Carsten Zielke

  • Annual cohorts dominate EU debate on IFRS 17 endorsement

    10 July 2019

    Efrag's preliminary discussions on proposed amendments to IFRS 17 reveal growing support to revise the approach to grouping of insurance contracts. Cintia Cheong reports

  • "We want clarity and certainty for IFRS 17 implementation"

    09 July 2019

    Patrick Klijnsmit, director of finance, risk & performance management and control at ASR, talks to Cintia Cheong about choosing vendors and contractors, and what he thinks of the proposed changes to the accounting standard

  • IFRS 17: implementation update

    25 June 2019

    Two years into IFRS 17 preparations, four directors at consultancy Muller Beukes Edvardsen share their thoughts on how far insurers are on the road to implementation

  • Figuring out profit emergence under IFRS 9 and IFRS 17

    13 June 2019

    Gavin Conn and Steven Morrison examine how the choice of liability discount rate affects the expected profit emergence and earnings volatility under IFRS 9 and IFRS 17

  • Why South Korea leads the way on IFRS 17

    04 June 2019

    South Korea has pioneered the adoption of the new accounting standard for insurance contracts, as well as coping with preparations for a new capital standard at the same time. Martin Sarjeant explains how

  • Decoding IFRS 17 from an investment perspective

    30 April 2019

    Efforts by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to clarify the definition of investment components within an insurance contract have been welcomed by some stakeholders. However, others argue a new proposal from the board could spark confusion. Cintia Cheong explains

  • LDTI: a challenge even for the most well-prepared

    25 April 2019

    The US long-duration targeted improvements (LDTI) accounting change is one of the most complex accounting developments ever to hit the US insurance industry. EY's Evan Bogardus and Chad Runchey tell Sarfraz Thind about the implications of the new standard and - why it is so taxing for insurers

  • Getting IFRS 17 ready for lift off

    16 April 2019

    Despite the recent efforts by the IASB in proposing several changes to ease the implementation of IFRS 17, the new accounting standard for insurance contracts, some in the industry believe more needs to be done. Cintia Cheong rounds up the latest developments on IFRS 17 and the outstanding issues until its launch

  • Actuarial recruitment: IFRS 17 delay pauses contractor demand

    02 April 2019

    Insurance actuaries remain in demand for traditional tasks as well as a growing range of non-traditional jobs. But recruitment consultants are still waiting to see an IFRS 17-related surge, as Cintia Cheong reports