
  • Agenda 2017 part 1: Insurers prepare for another volatile year

    10 January 2017

    Brexit, Solvency II look-through disclosures, SFCR reports, the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Solvency II and the fallout from the Eiopa stress tests all present a daunting year ahead for insurance risk managers. Callum Tanner reports

  • Reinsurers renew lobbying efforts to avoid G-Sii designation

    09 August 2016

    A move from quantitative to qualitative indicators of global systemic risk is threatening to make the designation process more opaque for reinsurers. Callum Tanner reports

  • L'exception française?

    02 August 2016

    The French government is proposing to exempt supplementary pension products from Solvency II capital requirements, a seismic change that will give the sector much needed relief. Hugo Coelho reports

  • IAIS reaches fork in the road on systemic risk

    26 July 2016

    International regulators are opening up to the idea of framing systemic risk in market-wide activities rather than individual companies. Callum Tanner reports

  • NAIC meeting roundup: PBR in the pocket, cyber in a mess

    15 April 2016

    State insurance commissioners have taken stock of their efforts to steal a march on federal authorities during their spring get together in New Orleans. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Rebooting the role of the CRO

    08 March 2016

    The Lloyd's Market Association's Chief Risk Officer Committee is taking a deep dive into the status and role of the CRO within insurers. InsuranceERM talks to Penny Shaw, the committee's chair, about why and how the group is tackling the question

  • PRA handcuffed by equivalence in brexit scenario

    01 March 2016

    Third-country status could cost UK insurers, Asa Gibson reports

  • Risk qualifications stir up debate on CRO's role

    23 February 2016

    Attempts to professionalise risk management through certification schemes have reopened discussions about the evolving role of the chief risk officer. Asa Gibson reports

  • Germany hits the brakes on its €32bn ZZR

    04 February 2016

    The ballooning level of additional interest rate reserves has prompted reforms to the rules, but few insurers took advantage in 2015. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Nordea's Annette Olesen: "It feels good to move beyond the go-live date"

    19 January 2016

    The group chief risk officer for Nordea Life & Pensions talks to Christopher Cundy about her company's entry into the Solvency II world