
  • Preserving the diversity

    03 December 2015

    Designing Solvency II to fit the spectrum of EU insurers has not been entirely successful and national supervisors should be mindful of its threats to the business model of mutual firms, says Amice's Silvia Herms

  • Quantifying the diversification benefit

    22 September 2015

    The diversification benefit is a crucial factor in internal models, but how do you pin down dependencies in the absence of hard data? Justin Skinner and Russell Ward share their experiences

  • Opinion: Ultimate forward thinking?

    17 September 2015

    Legislators should resist the pressure to alter the ultimate forward rate (UFR), a key element of the discount rate used for the valuation of all assets and liabilities in Solvency II, argues Igotz Aubin

  • Revealing the risk from climate change

    25 August 2015

    North American actuarial organisations have collaborated to produce indices that will help understand the risks associated with climate change, as Doug Collins and Caterina Lindman explain

  • Systemic risk buffer may miss the target

    21 July 2015

    The IAIS has unveiled a formula to calculate the high-loss absorbency for global systemically important insurers. The industry claims the requirement is set too high and fears it will be poorly targeted. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Tying federal regulators in knots

    28 May 2015

    Insurers are increasing their lobbying efforts as legislation advances through Congress that is designed to limit the discretion of federal regulators in designating systemic firms and devising capital standards. Hugo Coelho reports

  • NAIC's Urias: "ICS should not be tied to one valuation methodology, not at this stage"

    14 May 2015

    The attempt to create global convergence on insurance supervision is proving to be a bumpy ride. Christina Urias, the NAIC's director for international regulatory affairs, explains to Hugo Coelho how the states view the reinsurance collateral agreement with the EU and the global capital standard.

  • Demystifying emerging risk

    23 April 2015

    The elusiveness and unpredictability of emerging risks can often discourage efforts to manage them. Adam Seager suggests a pathway through the wilderness

  • Tough battle ahead for global capital standards

    19 February 2015

    The response of US state insurance regulators to the IAIS consultation on the insurance capital standard sheds light over hurdles on the way of a global compromise. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Solvency II equivalence under threat

    06 February 2015

    Europe's politicians are demanding a greater say in which countries can be deemed equivalent to Solvency II, amid fears that the European Commission is not moving fast enough with decisions that are crucial to insurers worldwide. Sarfraz Thind reports