
  • National regulators at odds over Solvency II volatility adjustment

    22 January 2015

    InsuranceERM's survey highlights inconsistency in how regulators plan to implement key tool of the long-term guarantee package.

  • Danish regulators flesh out prudent person principle

    20 January 2015

    The Danish insurance supervisor, regarded as one of the leaders of the Solvency II pack, has voiced its concern over the industry's growing exposure to alternative asset classes. Hugo Coelho explores.

  • Swedish insurers stressed out by Eiopa's tests

    16 January 2015

    Swedish insurers fared badly in the stress tests conducted by Eiopa, proving to be the most vulnerable to a Japanese scenario. Hugo Coelho asks Finansinspektionen's Per Griberg to explain

  • Excluding terrorism risk?

    25 September 2014

    As the US Congress debates the latest renewal of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, fears about expiration are stronger than before, with divisions over state v private sector responsibilities for insurance risk threatening the previous consensus. Hugo Coelho examines

  • Eiopa to receive more powers - insurers to pay?

    28 August 2014

    The European Commission's recent proposals to increase the power and change the funding sources of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority have raised more than a few eyebrows. Marcus Alcock reports

  • Beleaguered German insurers off the hook for reserve sharing

    03 July 2014

    The government is looking at reforms to counteract the continuing low interest rate environment. Hugo Coelho investigates

  • PRA ignores insurers on matching adjustment rules

    30 June 2014

    The UK's regulator has failed to clarify the rules for applying the matching adjustment, but has set out conditions for repackaging assets and is inviting firms to engage in a trial application. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Pushing for professionalism in risk management

    18 June 2014

    Risk managers are under growing pressure to prove their competencies with regulators and rating agencies, say Amlin's Alex Hindson and Aviva's José Morago. They talk to Christopher Cundy about how qualifications can help

  • Solvency II should go global, says the PRA's Kathryn Morgan

    13 August 2013

    Kathryn Morgan of the UK's Prudential Regulation Authority is such a big fan of Solvency II that she would roll it out across the globe if she could. She also uses an ORSA in her personal life. She explains her enthusiasm for the planned regime in this interview with InsuranceERM

  • Low interest rates challenge regulators as well as insurers

    05 July 2013

    Current economic policies are creating market distortions that insurers and their regulators should tackle sooner rather than later, says Daniel Hofmann, advisor to the chairman of Zurich Insurance Group