
  • The FIO's climate letters reveal burning desires

    30 November 2021

    The Federal Insurance Office (FIO) has published a raft of comment letters after its request for information on climate regulation. Could this be the tinder to spark new rules? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Facilitating the transition

    18 October 2021

    Don Forgeron, president of the Global Federation of Insurance Associations, discusses what role the insurance sector can play in global efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change

  • Commission's Solvency II proposals "are not gifts" for insurers

    04 October 2021

    Insurance Europe's Olav Jones tells Christopher Cundy about European insurers' hopes and fears on plans to reform the directive

  • CyberAcuView's Mark Camillo: cyber data collection first, policy influence next

    09 August 2021

    Major insurers are backing CyberAcuView's efforts to collect cyber claims data and act as a focal point for the industry's engagements with law enforcement, regulators and law makers. Paul Walsh talks to its chief executive Mark Camillo

  • Covid-19 and technology challenge the three lines model

    27 May 2021

    The "three lines of defence" model has pervaded insurers' approach to risk management, but how is it standing up to a rapidly changing environment? Cintia Cheong talks to the authors of a major CRO Forum report, and other experts, to find out

  • Can governments make a smooth exit from trade credit markets?

    29 April 2021

    Credit and suretyship insurers received significant public support during the pandemic, but participants are now questioning how much longer it should continue, as ICISA chief Richard Wulff explains to David Walker

  • How insurance contracts can help the transition to net-zero

    29 March 2021

    The Chancery Lane Project is launching an initiative to redesign insurance contracts so they can help combat climate change - and you can get involved. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Bank of England ignites the debate on UK-EU Solvency II equivalence

    12 February 2021

    The EU is in no rush to grant the UK reciprocal equivalence on Solvency II and has stirred anger by saying it wants to see how far the UK diverges before giving the green light. Paul Walsh assesses the state of play and whether there is any potential for a future agreement

  • Is address-level pricing causing or solving natcat protection gaps?

    11 February 2021

    Consumers in high-risk districts are facing unaffordable premiums for property cover - a situation that some blame on insurers' increasingly detailed pricing methods. But insurers argue that address-level pricing allows them to close protection gaps. David Walker reports

  • Insurance protection gaps: getting over the blame game

    09 February 2021

    Politicians and civil society tend to blame insurers for widening protection gaps. But insurers say governments and regulators must share responsibility. So what can be done to solve what all regard as a growing problem? Christopher Cundy reports from Eiopa's 10th anniversary conference