
  • Conduct risk in an outcomes-based environment

    19 May 2020

    The UK's conduct regulator has signalled a new approach to overseeing the insurance industry - and with Brexit has the potential to make bolder moves. Paul Walsh reports from an Association of British Insurers event on the hopes and fears for future of conduct regulation

  • DAV's Frank Schiller on the Solvency II review

    04 May 2020

    Germany's actuarial association has some strong opinions on how the EU's regulation needs to be reformed - or left untouched - as board member Frank Schiller explains to David Walker

  • Covid-19 reveals the cracks in the US insurance system

    20 April 2020

    US insurers have been getting a beating in their response to the Covid-19 crisis. Their latest move to rebate auto premiums shows the fissures in their approach and the lack of a cohesive regulatory response. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • UK actuaries take another crack at equity-release mortgage valuation

    03 March 2020

    Valuation of equity-release mortgages (ERMs) is one of the most controversial topics in the UK actuarial community, and the latest update from the working party only makes a small step towards resolving the debate. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Flood, climate, capital: NAIC president Ray Farmer's agenda for 2020

    21 January 2020

    Ray Farmer is the new president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. In this Q&A with Sarfraz Thind, he talks about flood coverage, international regulation and how he intends to raise climate awareness

  • Hong Kong insurers eye Greater Bay Area opportunities

    09 January 2020

    Hong Kong fancies itself as the risk management hub of the Greater Bay Area, thanks to a young but dynamic regulator and its technological knowhow. Vincent Huck reports from the Asian Insurance Forum

  • IAIS Abu Dhabi: compromise on global capital standard keeps process on track

    14 November 2019

    Paul Walsh summarises the reaction to today’s agreements that keep the Insurance Capital Standard on track, but not without objections from Canada and questions about US comparability

  • The Fed and insurance rules: an eclectic fit

    31 October 2019

    The US Federal Reserve created an advisory committee last month – and Manulife’s treasurer Halina von dem Hagen is joining it. She tells Sarfraz Thind about the key issues the market might want to consider right now, including mark-to-market regulation and systemic risk

  • IFRS 17: what insurers dislike from the final consultation

    24 October 2019

    The treatment of reinsurance accounting under IFRS 17 appears to be the most consistent complaint from re/insurers, but deciding when the standard should take effect continues to generate disagreements among stakeholders. Cintia Cheong reports

  • IFRS 17: on the verge of another delay?

    25 September 2019

    Important EU stakeholders are calling for the insurance contracts accounting standard to be delayed once more. Cintia Cheong reports