
  • Hong Kong approaches transition to risk-based capital

    12 September 2019

    Hong Kong’s long-awaited risk-based capital (RBC) regime is beginning to take shape ahead of its planned implementation in 2022. Paul Walsh reports on the latest developments

  • Insurers push for dual-rate approach to Ogden

    16 July 2019

    The change in the Ogden rate prompted surprise and disappointment from insurers. Their hopes for a fairer settlement are now pinned on the next round of reforms, as Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • "The mummy track or the director track?"

    21 June 2019

    Steps to increase equality and diversity in the financial services industry are under way, but as witnesses at a recent UK parliamentary meeting observed, there is still much to be done. Paul Walsh reports

  • NAIC forum: technology, data science and Brexit

    30 May 2019

    The NAIC's international meeting this month proved a lively affair. Beyond the regulatory dissection, participants had a lot to say on issues ranging from technology to Brexit. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Setting the record straight on ICS 2.0

    28 May 2019

    Paul Walsh speaks to Victoria Saporta, IAIS executive committee chair, to discuss the outlook for the global insurance capital standard (ICS)

  • GDPR - 365 days later

    21 May 2019

    Insurers were vocal about the challenges they faced from the EU's General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) implementation last May. Ahead of its one year anniversary, Paul Walsh considers the lessons learned, the ongoing challenges and what the future holds

  • Top technology tools for actuaries

    23 April 2019

    The actuarial world may sometimes be perceived as a stolid profession, but the development and integration of new technologies means the sector is moving apace. A survey by the US Society of Actuaries highlights the key technology trends in the business. Sarfraz Thind explains

  • European regulators outline Brexit mitigation measures

    31 January 2019

    As the threat of a no-deal Brexit becomes more likely, some EU countries are stepping up their preparations to ensure service continuity. Cintia Cheong spoke to regulators and governments in five big EU27 markets to find out what they have planned

  • Eric Cioppa, the regulator's regulator

    10 January 2019

    Maine's superintendent of insurance has taken on the mantle of NAIC president for 2019. He talks to Sarfraz Thind about regulatory priorities and how he will marshal the 50 states to reach a common view

  • Turning data into a differentiator

    29 November 2018

    Swiss Re Institute's head of insurance risk research, Dan Ryan, tells Ronan McCaughey how insurers can turn the wealth of data they currently hold into valuable insights, and an opportunity to differentiate themselves from their competitors