
  • US-EU covered agreement: a rocky road to implementation

    27 November 2018

    US regulators have raised the ire of their European counterparts with their implementation of the covered agreement for reinsurance collateral negotiated last year. With no resolution in sight, states risk provoking a pre-emption of the law which could see the federal government taking control. US editor Sarfraz Thind reports

  • US flood insurance: bridging the political chasm

    16 October 2018

    Hurricanes Michael and Florence have again drawn attention to the issue of underinsurance of flood risk in the US. The industry says regulators are stymieing the market, and reforms are stuck in a political logjam. InsuranceERM's US editor Sarfraz Thind reports

  • IAIS gears up for a global supervisory regime

    04 September 2018

    Since the International Association of Insurance Supervisors introduced the Insurance Capital Standard in 2016, the industry and some supervisors have pushed for fundamental changes in a number of areas. With a new consultation package, the IAIS aspires to square the circle. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • EU supervisors insist Solvency II risk margin "is not an issue"

    03 July 2018

    Insurers’ calls for a recalibration of the risk margin are being ignored by Eiopa and national supervisors, as evidenced at Insurance Europe's conference in Brussels last week. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • German actuaries tell Eiopa: "Stick to your remit"

    26 June 2018

    DAV vice-president Guido Bader talks to David Walker about how the country's actuaries are concerned by Eiopa's new ideas for Solvency II – and the lack of testing around them

  • Mapfre's Antonio Huertas: there should be one global capital regime

    19 June 2018

    Mapfre's chief executive tells Cintia Cheong about the challenges and risks at the top of the Spanish insurer's agenda, including underinsurance, Solvency II and IFRS 17

  • SFCRs: "We're not sure any policyholders read them"

    06 June 2018

    Insurers say their solvency and financial condition reports (SFCRs) are barely read by customers, so how should they evolve to better suit their audience? Christopher Cundy reports on this and other views and experiences with the public Solvency II document

  • Emerging risks: cyber still top, environment rising

    27 April 2018

    Max Rudolph discusses the findings of the North American actuarial societies' 11th annual survey of emerging risks with Christopher Cundy

  • Model risk management - why should we care?

    17 April 2018

    There are clear benefits to insurers from taking a holistic approach to managing model risk, says Phil Whittingham

  • Solving Solvency II's proportionality riddle

    06 April 2018

    Smaller insurers have long complained about the burden of complying with Solvency II, but balancing proportionality with proper supervision continues to be debated. Aggelos Andreou reports