
  • IDD delay greeted with mixed reactions

    15 February 2018

    Insurers have welcomed the European Commission's proposal to delay implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive, but not all national regulators are towing the line. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • Zurich's Alison Martin: economic risk should be higher up the agenda

    23 January 2018

    Following the publication of the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report, Christopher Cundy spoke with Zurich's chief risk officer Alison Martin to discuss the findings and reflect on the implications for risk managers

  • IAIS faces fresh debate on systemic risk – and clash on capital standard

    31 October 2017

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week comes amid a renewed debate about systemic risk in insurers and big questions about the deadlines for developing a global capital standard. Christopher Cundy reports

  • BaFin pulls no punches in explaining Orsa shortcomings

    21 September 2017

    Germany's regulator has said insurers must improve virtually all aspects of their Orsa reporting for 2018. David Walker reports

  • Insurers under fire for underwriting coal industry

    10 August 2017

    Divesting from coal companies while continuing to underwrite them is a 'blind spot' of insurers' climate policies, according to campaigners. Cintia Cheong investigates what four insurers are doing about it

  • Gen Re's Jules Constantinou: technology can make insurance more meaningful

    03 August 2017

    Jules Constantinou, regional manager for life and health at GenRe UK and Ireland, and president-elect of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, vows to make insurance more meaningful to society. He tells Cintia Cheong how technology can help achieve that

  • The ongoing ordeal of Ogden

    11 April 2017

    The change to UK's damages discount rate came as a huge surprise to many insurers. But this is far from being a one-off shock. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Yes, no, maybe: the PRA responds to industry's Solvency II reform agenda

    17 March 2017

    The UK regulator has made a point-by-point reply to the Association of British Insurers' agenda for Solvency II reforms and confirmed its priority to review the reporting requirements. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Insurers split on recovery and resolution planning

    16 March 2017

    As the IAIS looks to develop a market-wide approach to systemic risk, Eiopa is developing rules that will require recovery and resolution plans from all insurers regardless of their size. This broader approach to systemic risk has split industry opinion and pitted large firms against small. Callum Tanner reports

  • UK insurers emphasise post-Brexit opportunity

    26 January 2017

    Senior management from Lloyd's, L&G, Prudential and the ABI have presented evidence to the Treasury Select Committee. With a hard Brexit now on the horizon most firms have given up on retaining single market access and are instead focusing on the benefits of changing Solvency II. Callum Tanner reports