
  • What the LTGA really says about the matching adjustment

    10 July 2013

    A workable matching adjustment is critical for many insurers facing the prospect of complying with Solvency II, but Eiopa's recent study on long-term guarantee measures has left some aspects ambiguous and others unfeasible. Kim Durniat delves into Eiopa's concluding report to bring out the nuances

  • Phoenix breathes new life into its actuarial systems

    03 July 2013

    The UK closed-fund consolidator has replaced its myriad modelling systems with just one, in a huge three-year project that is said to have been on time and on budget. For Phoenix, the project was not only operationally necessary; it was a strategic imperative. InsuranceERM explains

  • Model validation is a question of trust

    07 June 2013

    It shouldn't just be about satisfying the regulators, argue Mike Wilkinson and Patricia Mackenzie. Models should be validated by developing management trust in them and embedding them in the business. The delay in Solvency II gives more opportunity to do this

  • Generating return in a cold climate

    03 May 2013

    Low interest rates are prompting insurers to look to further afield in their hunt for yield. For those with resources and dedication, two major areas of focus right now are corporate loans and infrastructure lending. But are these the assets of the future that many say they are? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • On the road to common standards for group capital

    24 April 2013

    A recent Geneva Association report revealed some surprises in the capital management of global insurance groups - and a reluctance to rush towards global standards. Co-author Kathrin Hoppe explains to Christopher Cundy

  • A strategy to suit each point in the insurance cycle

    17 April 2013

    Choosing a strategy to cope with the ups and downs of the business cycle has been an enduring quest for insurers. Alice Underwood and Dave Ingram offer a solution

  • Lloyd's Solvency II 'soft landing' is ICAS+ and a little bit more

    22 March 2013

    Lloyd's of London has been in the vanguard of regulators when it comes to Solvency II preparations, sticking to a strict timetable with little leeway. It's now relaxed its plans after numerous delays to the directive, but is still forging ahead of the regulators. Lorna Davies reports

  • Ageas's van Grimbergen: Matching adjustment is crucial for us

    15 March 2013

    Solvency II's long-term guarantees package has the future of the life insurance industry in its hands, says Emmanuel van Grimbergen, group risk officer of Ageas. He talks to Lorna Davies about his concerns, as well as his doubts about Eiopa's 'interim measures'

  • How the matching adjustment helps insurers in a crisis

    28 February 2013

    Daily solvency monitoring offers valuable insights into an insurers' risk profile and its regulatory capital requirements – and demonstrates the potential power of the matching adjustment. Matthew Cocke, Russell Osman and Russell Ward explain

  • The unresolved issues of Solvency II

    21 February 2013

    The delay of full implementation to beyond 2014 will allow extra time for important details in all three pillars of Solvency II to be resolved – and may bring old niggles to the surface again. Lorna Davies looks into some of the outstanding issues, for policy-makers and insurers, that will be kicked over in the coming months