
  • UK insurers rush 'own interpretation' of Solvency II rules

    29 July 2014

    The Association of British Insurers has compiled a confidential paper setting out the industry's reading of the Solvency II rules in a number of contentious areas, prompting an update from the regulator saying where they have got it wrong. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Solvency II reporting: is six months into four weeks really possible?

    22 July 2014

    With deadlines for submitting information to regulators coming thick and fast over the next year to 18 months, typical insurer regulatory reporting cycles are being shrunk drastically. Incremental change is unlikely to deliver the necessary time savings, says John Rowland

  • Going off-trail on internal models

    17 July 2014

    Over the past three years, about one in three UK insurers intending to build an internal model have scrapped their plans. More could follow before April next year, when the formal applications are due. Hugo Coelho investigates.

  • Protecting the diversification credit through driver-based dependency modelling

    15 July 2014

    For many insurers, the credit for diversification in their solvency capital has become essential to the viability of the business. But justifying the credit, both internally and to regulators, is becoming more difficult. Paul O'Connor describes how driver-based modelling can help

  • Data quality is not just about compliance

    25 June 2014

    Ensuring and maintaining data quality standards is a vital part of the process for validating internal model and standard formula calculations and for validating their use in decision-making. But there are many more issues to consider than mere regulatory compliance, as Dominic Rau explains

  • UK insurers substantially on track for ideal ORSA

    10 June 2014

    Many still see it as a burden rather than a benefit, says LCP's Catherine Drummond, and Lloyd's firms tend to be more negative about its usefulness. She talks to Christopher Cundy about the findings of a recent survey

  • What do NEDs want from risk managers?

    21 May 2014

    Non-executive directors are putting increasing demands on risk management teams as they try to navigate companies through a riskier world. To help smooth the relationship, two NEDs share their thoughts on what they need. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Gen Re's Tad Montross: why we need Solvency III

    09 April 2014

    Solvency II has focused too much on modelling and should be revisited, says Gen Re CEO Tad Montross. He tells Sarfraz Thind about "model mania", risk culture and how to run a reinsurer in a chronically soft market

  • Insurers' models introduce poorly understood risks

    26 February 2014

    Models have become indispensable to managing a modern re/insurer, but their use is creating new risks that are not well understood. Christopher Cundy speaks to the insurer and the academic who are leading a major project to study the systemic risks in modelling

  • Raising the standard of internal model governance

    05 February 2014

    Internal models are increasingly used for decision making and producing figures for financial reports, but model governance procedures have not kept pace with these changing demands. Dominic Rau and Christian Wegmann outline a framework for improving assurance