
  • The biggest barrier to actuarial system improvement is... actuaries?

    27 July 2017

    As insurers prepare for another round of system adaptation and process review with the introduction of IFRS 17, Andries Beukes shares his experience in modernising actuarial systems and discusses what role actuaries have in the success – and failure – of transformation projects

  • European insurers prepare for UFR change pain

    06 April 2017

    Cutting the ultimate forward rate to about 3.65% over the next five years will drag down European insurers' solvency ratios as the pain of low rates feeds into long-term discounting. The big question now is whether MEPs, the Commission and German industry will work together to block Eiopa's methodology. Callum Tanner reports

  • View from the Top: The CRO and risk team of the future

    04 April 2017

    The skills of an effective risk function have evolved over the past decades due to regulatory change and financial innovation. Looking forward, the role of risk once again sits on the brink of uncertain development driven not only by regulatory change but also the threat of digital disruption, as Tom Wilson explains

  • Yes, no, maybe: the PRA responds to industry's Solvency II reform agenda

    17 March 2017

    The UK regulator has made a point-by-point reply to the Association of British Insurers' agenda for Solvency II reforms and confirmed its priority to review the reporting requirements. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Deferred tax continues to complicate SII ratios

    09 March 2017

    Changing requirements from regulators over the loss absorbing-capacity of deferred tax means insurers' Solvency II capital will remain at the mercy of this complex, opaque and inconsistent factor

  • Lloyd's responds to backlash over internal model change

    07 February 2017

    Proposals to alter Lloyd's policy on internal model change have been rejected by managing agents and the corporation is scrambling to respond. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Agenda 2017 part 2: Disaster and disruption

    19 January 2017

    Trump, the rise of populism, the soft reinsurance market, internal model updates, cyber risk, tech disruption and the possibility of rising rates present insurers with threats and opportunities in equal measure. Callum Tanner reports

  • The tech trends of 2016

    24 October 2016

    Christopher Cundy discusses the current themes in risk and actuarial software

  • Solvency II implementation reveals national diversities

    20 October 2016

    InsuranceERM's survey of supervisors reveals how the use of internal models, transitionals and discount curve adjustments differs across the EU

  • European supervisors change tack on negative interest rate risk

    20 September 2016

    Insurers are being asked to modify internal models as negative yields become the new normal, but the approach varies by country and company. Hugo Coelho reports