
  • Eiopa's Bernardino: "Supervisors shouldn't kick the can down the road on low rates"

    10 March 2016

    The chairman of Europe's insurance authority lifts the veil on this year's stress test and discusses with Hugo Coelho the limitations to consistent implementation of Solvency II

  • The Solvency II reform wish list

    18 February 2016

    How should the EU regulation be changed to encourage economic growth, remove unnecessary burdens, inconsistencies and unintended consequences? InsuranceERM analyses the responses to the Commission's call for evidence

  • Germany hits the brakes on its €32bn ZZR

    04 February 2016

    The ballooning level of additional interest rate reserves has prompted reforms to the rules, but few insurers took advantage in 2015. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Nordea's Annette Olesen: "It feels good to move beyond the go-live date"

    19 January 2016

    The group chief risk officer for Nordea Life & Pensions talks to Christopher Cundy about her company's entry into the Solvency II world

  • Living up to the promise of internal models

    08 December 2015

    Supervisory approval is not the end of the Solvency II internal model process. From 1 January, models are for insurers to leverage and for insurers to lose. Hugo Coelho and Christopher Cundy report

  • Are the numbers up for operational risk modelling?

    24 November 2015

    The internal model application process and developments in the banking world have posed more questions about the merits of modelling operational risk under Solvency II. Asa Gibson reports

  • Solvency II fuels risk of model convergence

    16 November 2015

    The demands of regulatory approval are creating a lack of diversity in insurance models and driving an increase in systemic risk, according to a joint industry and academic study. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • How a 100% SCR stopped being sufficient capital

    12 November 2015

    Insurers are holding capital buffers larger than the minimum required under Solvency II, but is it the fault of the rules, the regulators or the market? Hugo Coelho reports

  • AM Best shifts cat risk assessment in BCAR update

    10 November 2015

    Interest rate risk and dependence on reinsurance are the other key changes to calculation of insurer credit ratings. Asa Gibson reports

  • Not so much the 'own' risk and solvency assessment

    05 November 2015

    From the size of the stresses to the maximum number of pages of the report, European regulators are becoming prescriptive about how insurers should go about developing ORSAs in preparation for Solvency II. Hugo Coelho reports