
  • InsuranceERM's top stories of the year

    31 December 2021

    Christopher Cundy, Ronan McCaughey, Sarfraz Thind and Paul Walsh reveal the most-read stories that ran in 2021 and discuss why they will remain relevant in 2022

  • Focus on inflation risk, Lloyd's syndicates told

    08 December 2021

    Lloyd's executives have revealed the risk priorities for the market in 2022 will also include cyber, culture and sustainability. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • Riding the inflation wave

    24 November 2021

    Inflation has been rising throughout 2021 driven by the economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, surging energy prices and global supply chain disruption. Ronan McCaughey asks how insurers are dealing with the risk

  • UK's Solvency II study spooks the market

    29 October 2021

    Annuity writers have been shocked by the results of the UK's quantitative impact study on potential reforms to Solvency II and are preparing for a clash with the regulator, as Christopher Cundy reports

  • IRC Americas: Covering all bases and dealing with curveballs

    01 October 2021

    What do chief risk officers (CROs) highlight as their biggest concern? It could be the sheer multitude of risks they have to face, as Ronan McCaughey reports from the Insurance Risk & Capital Americas conference

  • Germany plots the transit from transitionals

    29 September 2021

    Some life insurers rely on Solvency II's transitional measures to ensure their continued existence. But paradoxically, that does not mean they will fail without them, as David Walker explains

  • Maurice Perkins: Transamerica's transatlantic negotiator

    26 August 2021

    Transamerica's global head of government and policy affairs talks to Sarfraz Thind about US and international insurance regulation, Biden's tax reforms and the cultural differences that keep his job interesting

  • UK's PRT market set to soar after quiet H1

    20 July 2021

    Pension risk transfer (PRT) activity in the UK was subdued during the first half of this year, but insurance experts tell Ronan McCaughey they expect an incredibly busy H2

  • UK's ideas for Solvency II neglect risk margin design

    02 July 2021

    "Do what you want, but it needs to be smaller and less volatile" seems to be the country's reaction to reforming the controversial risk margin. Christopher Cundy reports

  • UK use of matching adjustment keeps growing

    23 May 2021

    Christopher Cundy delves into the 2020 solvency reports to find insurers have enjoyed an increase in their capital benefit by more than 10% on the previous year