
  • Generali Switzerland's three-phase approach to coping with Covid-19

    13 April 2020

    Giselle Lim, chief risk officer at Generali Switzerland, describes how the insurer is responding to the operational, capital markets and communication challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic

  • Insurers weather the coronavirus storm - but for how long?

    20 March 2020

    The Covid-19 pandemic has provided an uncompromising test of insurers' operational and balance sheet resilience. Initial reports suggest they are handling the situation, but what are the risks in the longer term? Paul Walsh investigates

  • Winners revealed in InsuranceERM Awards 2020

    10 February 2020

    The awards recognise the best insurance risk management providers serving the UK and Europe

  • Making scenario planning meaningful, effective and manageable

    31 December 2019

    An expert panel at InsuranceERM's Regulation & Risk Management conference on 3 December in London shared their advice on stress and scenario planning, an activity that has become increasingly important for risk teams as they play a greater role in business strategy

  • Writing a new chapter for Equitable Life

    10 December 2019

    Feryal Nadeem started her career at Equitable Life during its financial crisis. Twenty years later she is chief risk officer at the provider that will finally resolve the UK mutual insurer for policyholders, as she explains to Ronan McCaughey

  • Insurance ERM Americas: The risk trends keeping US CROs awake at night

    12 November 2019

    US re/insurance chief risk officers reveal the risks that most concern them, changing risk tolerances in the industry and strategies for dealing with emerging threats. Ronan McCaughey reports from InsuranceERM's New York conference

  • Eiopa proposes extensive reforms for Solvency II 2020 review

    15 October 2019

    Over 878 pages, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has put forward dozens of important reforms to the EU’s solvency regime. Christopher Cundy summarises the main issues and shares his opinion on the potential impacts

  • What's on the horizon for Bermuda's re/insurance market

    04 October 2019

    Deloitte’s Gokul Sudarsana talks to Christopher Cundy about his thoughts on some of the trends and challenges that face Bermuda's insurance market

  • Solvency II, IFRS 17, local GAAP, Basel IV... where is the consistency?

    03 September 2019

    For the health of the financial sector and for the good of European citizens, accounting and solvency regimes for insurance and banking must be aligned around the same valuation concept, argue Serge Moulin, Giulio Terzariol and Carsten Zielke

  • Views of enterprise risk management in 2030

    29 August 2019

    Chief risk officers who want to participate in the strategy of their organisations will need to develop their vision for the future of the ERM function. Willis Towers Watson executives share their views on how risk management might evolve