
  • UK annuity writers await crucial paper on IFRS 17 profit recognition

    13 October 2021

    Cintia Cheong reports on how insurers and auditors are under pressure to reach a consensus on applying IFRS 17 to annuities - a decision that could seriously impact insurers' balance sheets

  • Climate risk enables insurance technology to blaze a trail

    13 September 2021

    Acute regulatory, shareholder and consumer pressure on climate change is fuelling increasing demand from insurers for technology to assess the impact of climate risk. Ronan McCaughey explains how insurance software vendors are responding to the challenge

  • Saudi Arabia embraces IFRS 17 for insurance transformation

    23 August 2021

    IFRS 17 in Saudi Arabia is a story of right time, right place - and the Middle East's largest economy is powering ahead to ensure the standard can transform the country's insurance sector. Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Insurers struggle to explain LDTI volatility to stakeholders

    06 July 2021

    From communication to interpretation, experts discussed their challenges with implementing the incoming US life insurance accounting standard at last week's webinar. Cintia Cheong reports

  • "LDTI will drive income volatility"

    08 June 2021

    Cintia Cheong talks to experts about why reforms to US insurance accounting standards will cause income volatility and whether adopting the standard early can bring any benefits

  • How much is IFRS 17 costing the insurance industry?

    19 May 2021

    Insurers are 19 months away from having to implement the new contract accounting standard and it is already costing them more than anticipated. Cintia Cheong finds out why

  • Reinsurance could potentially offer IFRS 17 profit mutualisation

    13 April 2021

    Alexandre Tzenev, managing director for financial solutions EMEA at Scor, tells Cintia Cheong how reinsurance can offset the impact of onerous contracts under IFRS 17

  • Country profile: Portugal

    30 March 2021

    Cintia Cheong reveals how Covid-19 has affected the Portuguese insurance sector and the prospects for M&A, as well as examining the potential impacts of Solvency II reform and progress with IFRS 17 implementation

  • IFRS 17 implementation: you have to question yourself over and over again

    24 March 2021

    Daphné De Leval, vice chair of the Insurance Committee of the Actuarial Association of Europe, tells Cintia Cheong about the challenges of IFRS 17 implementation and how the experience of Solvency II helps

  • EU and UK endorsement: the final hurdle

    11 January 2021

    Cintia Cheong charts the endorsement of the IFRS 17 insurance contracts accounting standard in 2020 and explains what happens next