Risk and actuarial recruitment: boom time again
22 February 2018Wages in actuarial and risk management roles are going up, in large part because of the opportunities created by IFRS 17, the new insurance contracts accounting standard. Cintia Cheong reports
IFRS 17 throws down technology challenge to insurers
14 December 2017There is no single technology vendor offering a solution to the recently announced accounting standard, IFRS 17, and several parts will have to be custom built, according to PwC's Richard Hart. He caught up with Christopher Cundy to talk about about the opportunities these challenges present and the strategies the industry is taking
IAIS faces fresh debate on systemic risk – and clash on capital standard
31 October 2017The International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week comes amid a renewed debate about systemic risk in insurers and big questions about the deadlines for developing a global capital standard. Christopher Cundy reports
The biggest barrier to actuarial system improvement is... actuaries?
27 July 2017As insurers prepare for another round of system adaptation and process review with the introduction of IFRS 17, Andries Beukes shares his experience in modernising actuarial systems and discusses what role actuaries have in the success – and failure – of transformation projects
IFRS 17 compliance: a task comparable with Solvency II?
18 May 2017IFRS 17 has been described as a "landmark shift" in insurer accounting and some are saying that implementation could require more work than was needed for Solvency II. InsuranceERM gets the lowdown from the industry on what it means for the sector