
  • Insurers weather the coronavirus storm - but for how long?

    20 March 2020

    The Covid-19 pandemic has provided an uncompromising test of insurers' operational and balance sheet resilience. Initial reports suggest they are handling the situation, but what are the risks in the longer term? Paul Walsh investigates

  • UK actuaries take another crack at equity-release mortgage valuation

    03 March 2020

    Valuation of equity-release mortgages (ERMs) is one of the most controversial topics in the UK actuarial community, and the latest update from the working party only makes a small step towards resolving the debate. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Winners revealed in InsuranceERM Awards 2020

    10 February 2020

    The awards recognise the best insurance risk management providers serving the UK and Europe

  • China's coronavirus outbreak could hit insurers severely - UPDATED

    24 January 2020

    Insurance experts talk to Ronan McCaughey about the mortality, operational and economic losses the deadly virus poses for the re/insurance industry

  • Eiopa's Gabriel Bernardino: climate disclosures will become mandatory

    17 December 2019

    Gabriel Bernardino, chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) joined InsuranceERM's Insurance Risk and Capital EMEA conference earlier this month. In a Q&A with Christopher Cundy, he answered questions about climate change, the Solvency II review and conduct risk

  • Writing a new chapter for Equitable Life

    10 December 2019

    Feryal Nadeem started her career at Equitable Life during its financial crisis. Twenty years later she is chief risk officer at the provider that will finally resolve the UK mutual insurer for policyholders, as she explains to Ronan McCaughey

  • Insurance ERM Americas: The risk trends keeping US CROs awake at night

    12 November 2019

    US re/insurance chief risk officers reveal the risks that most concern them, changing risk tolerances in the industry and strategies for dealing with emerging threats. Ronan McCaughey reports from InsuranceERM's New York conference

  • ICS 2.0: comparability is the hot topic at IAIS Abu Dhabi meeting

    29 October 2019

    A decision on comparability of solvency regimes at the International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting next month will determine the future of the Insurance Capital Standard. Paul Walsh reports

  • IFRS 17: what insurers dislike from the final consultation

    24 October 2019

    The treatment of reinsurance accounting under IFRS 17 appears to be the most consistent complaint from re/insurers, but deciding when the standard should take effect continues to generate disagreements among stakeholders. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Eiopa proposes extensive reforms for Solvency II 2020 review

    15 October 2019

    Over 878 pages, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has put forward dozens of important reforms to the EU’s solvency regime. Christopher Cundy summarises the main issues and shares his opinion on the potential impacts