
  • What's on the horizon for Bermuda's re/insurance market

    04 October 2019

    Deloitte’s Gokul Sudarsana talks to Christopher Cundy about his thoughts on some of the trends and challenges that face Bermuda's insurance market

  • How insurers are thinking about sustainability - part 2

    03 October 2019

    In the second part of this two-part feature, Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh ask seven primary insurers about their approach to climate change, who has responsibility for sustainability and how to measure improvements

  • How insurers are thinking about sustainability

    24 September 2019

    In the first part of this two-part feature, Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh ask seven primary insurers about their approach to sustainability and how they plan to improve their performance

  • Hong Kong approaches transition to risk-based capital

    12 September 2019

    Hong Kong’s long-awaited risk-based capital (RBC) regime is beginning to take shape ahead of its planned implementation in 2022. Paul Walsh reports on the latest developments

  • Wildfire scores, shake vouchers and robotics: reinsurers reveal tech plans at RVS

    10 September 2019

    Leveraging of technology dominates Rendez-vous de Septembre discussions, as Cintia Cheong reports

  • Views of enterprise risk management in 2030

    29 August 2019

    Chief risk officers who want to participate in the strategy of their organisations will need to develop their vision for the future of the ERM function. Willis Towers Watson executives share their views on how risk management might evolve

  • Solvency II's biggest unintended consequences

    08 August 2019

    In part two of a Q&A to accompany the launch of his book on Solvency II, Karel Van Hulle discusses the impact of the directive, and how the insurance sector should prepare for sustainability, Brexit and new technologies

  • Canopius: looking east and west for growth

    25 July 2019

    This year's deals involving AmTrust and Samsung have given the 16-year-old Lloyd's operation a fresh impetus, as chairman Michael Watson explains to David Walker

  • Climate risk in the US: time to stand up

    18 July 2019

    Trenchant politics, vested interests, short-term thinking ... tackling climate change in the US is an uphill battle. Washington insurance commissioner Mike Kreidler tells Sarfraz Thind about the difficulties of standing up to the status quo

  • Insurers push for dual-rate approach to Ogden

    16 July 2019

    The change in the Ogden rate prompted surprise and disappointment from insurers. Their hopes for a fairer settlement are now pinned on the next round of reforms, as Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report