
  • PRT market set for a blazing H2

    16 August 2022

    The UK's pension risk transfer market (PRT) is on course for a very busy second half of the year, after relatively modest activity in H1. Solvency II reforms are also likely to impact the sector, as Ronan McCaughey explains

  • Life back-book consolidators shrug off threat from rising rates

    09 August 2022

    Rising interest rates are unlikely to stop life insurers from selling their legacy liabilities to consolidators, as many other incentives for doing deals remain. David Walker reports

  • Japan steps forward with ICS-based capital framework

    20 July 2022

    Japan is midway through development of a new capital framework that takes its lead from the Insurance Capital Standard. This should make it a beacon for international prudential rules, as the FSA's Shigeru Ariizumi explains to Sarfraz Thind

  • ALM and capital management under Hong Kong's RBC

    07 July 2022

    Richard Chan, Hong Kong chief investment officer and Asia head of ALM at Axa, discusses Hong Kong's forthcoming risk-based capital regime and how insurers will respond

  • Blockchain in insurance: surviving the wreckage

    24 June 2022

    Blockchain technology has so far failed to revolutionise the insurance business, but it has found some niches where it seems to be enduring. Paul Walsh reports

  • Sarah Williams cultivates new risk strategy at Guardian Life

    10 May 2022

    Sarah Williams found a new job and a new hobby during the pandemic. Now chief risk officer at Guardian Life - and a keen gardener - she is planning to make both flourish, as she explains to Ronan McCaughey

  • Insurers happy with UK's Solvency II plans, but capital savings remain uncertain

    28 April 2022

    The government has grabbed positive headlines with its proposals to reform Solvency II, but the industry is cautious about the how they will pan out. Cintia Cheong reports

  • C-Ross Phase II: risk-based capital with social characteristics

    15 April 2022

    The overhaul of China's prudential rules has introduced adjustments that allow regulatory influence over how insurers underwrite and invest - with the objective of producing a social good, as David Walker reports

  • Reinsurance helps unlock the C-Ross puzzle

    28 March 2022

    As risk-based capital regimes such as China's C-Ross are implemented in Asia, insurers will be looking at options for capital management including reinsurance, as Hugo Choi explains to David Walker

  • Connecting catastrophe with climate

    11 March 2022

    Christopher Cundy talks to Nick Hassam and Thomas Loridan, the founders of Reask, on how their physics-driven catastrophe models are enabling insurers to better understand climate risk