
  • Rising expectations: how supervisors are acting on climate change

    21 October 2021

    Anna Sweeney explains how global supervisors are collaborating in order to help insurers grasp the implications of climate change - and improve the sector's response to the risk

  • Climate risk enables insurance technology to blaze a trail

    13 September 2021

    Acute regulatory, shareholder and consumer pressure on climate change is fuelling increasing demand from insurers for technology to assess the impact of climate risk. Ronan McCaughey explains how insurance software vendors are responding to the challenge

  • Social inflation: 800lbs gorilla or 80lbs monkey?

    08 September 2021

    Casualty insurers are complaining about rising liability losses, driven by a litigious US culture and changing social attitudes. But could a far worse catastrophe be ahead of them? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • The US Climate Survey: good, bad and ugly

    03 August 2021

    US insurers' efforts to understand and mitigate climate risks is difficult to discern, but the NYDFS and InsuranceERM have dug into the NAIC's annual survey to find patchy progress and some surprising opinions. Sarfraz Thind and David Walker report

  • Allianz's Aylin Somersan Coqui: with crises come opportunities

    28 July 2021

    The chief risk officer of one of the world's largest insurers talks to Cintia Cheong about her changing role, the risks Allianz faces and how Covid-19 has changed the way risk is managed

  • Insurers face "carrot or stick" decisions on climate change

    30 June 2021

    Underwriters' response to climate change in their day-to-day business has become a major bone of contention and is often boiling down to a debate over whether the focus should be on incentives or punishments. Paul Walsh reports

  • Sustainable underwriting is more arduous than sustainable investment

    10 June 2021

    Axa, Zurich and Aviva discussed their journeys to carbon neutrality at the IDF Summit this week, and how they will meet their commitments to net-zero underwriting. Cintia Cheong reports

  • UK use of matching adjustment keeps growing

    23 May 2021

    Christopher Cundy delves into the 2020 solvency reports to find insurers have enjoyed an increase in their capital benefit by more than 10% on the previous year

  • Grey swan risks to put insurers in a flap

    17 May 2021

    Climate change, a massive cyber-attack and geopolitical instability are just some of the grey swan risks worrying insurers. CROs tell Ronan McCaughey how they are preparing for these threats, should the worst happen

  • Mosaic: building it piece by piece

    10 May 2021

    Mitch Blaser has spent a half century in the Bermudian insurance industry. Now he has returned with Mosaic, a specialty insurer that may just sate his appetite for new ventures. He talks to Sarfraz Thind about what brought him back