
  • Country profile: Germany

    16 March 2021

    Europe's third-largest insurance industry has survived the coronavirus pandemic so far, but continues to be plagued by low rates and poor profitability in motor and home cover, as David Walker describes in this special report featuring interviews with BaFin's Frank Grund and GDV's Jörg Asmussen

  • Matching adjustment becomes a battleground in UK's Solvency II consultation

    23 February 2021

    Respondents to the UK's consultation on the future of Solvency II have taken starkly opposing positions on the matching adjustment, with some arguing for liberalisation and others for scrapping it. Christopher Cundy reports

  • "Responsible underwriting will become the norm"

    18 January 2021

    Renaud Guidée, group chief risk officer at Axa, is spearheading the launch of a net-zero underwriting alliance, an industry initiative to tackle climate change through underwriting. He tells Cintia Cheong why it's needed and explains the challenges ahead

  • Gabriel Bernardino on four important Solvency II reforms

    22 December 2020

    The chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority talks to Christopher Cundy about the main proposals to amend Solvency II and what they hope to achieve

  • ICS capital calculations: onerous, uncertain, but growing in relevance

    14 December 2020

    The global Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) requires yet more modelling work for insurers and some of its rules for calculating capital are vague. It's currently a low priority for insurers and investors, but UK firms in particular should watch closely. Christopher Cundy reports

  • PRT expansion to drive L&G's dividend growth plan

    12 November 2020

    Christopher Cundy reports from Legal & General's (L&G) investor day, where the insurer revealed new targets for its dividend, bulk annuity underwriting and investments

  • WTW's Rowan Douglas: riding the wave of climate risk awareness

    09 November 2020

    The head of Willis Towers Watson's Climate and Resilience Hub has been on a major hiring spree. He talks to Cintia Cheong about how interest in climate risk has surged and why insurers are demanding advice and analytical tools

  • A hot take on the UK's Solvency II call for evidence

    20 October 2020

    Christopher Cundy analyses what the British government is considering changing about its implementation of Solvency II, and what the implications might be for insurers and other stakeholders

  • Prudential Financial's Nick Silitch: running his own version of risk

    19 October 2020

    The chief risk officer of the largest US life insurer talks to Sarfraz Thind about how he shaped his role and the risk function, and reveals the impact of the pandemic on the group

  • Taking a new direction in life

    15 October 2020

    China Taiping Insurance Singapore, a long-established non-life insurer, has taken the rare step of diversifying into life business. David Walker talks to the man leading the move, Lance Tay