
  • It's life Oliver, but not as we knew it

    08 April 2022

    European life insurers' capital consumption used to give their CEOs indigestion. But the "capital-lite" diets of Allianz and others has transformed the business, as David Walker discovers

  • German actuaries review the Review of Solvency II

    22 November 2021

    Dissecting documents with a fine-tooth comb is natural for actuaries. After applying one to the European Commission's proposals for Solvency II reform, German Association of Actuaries board member Frank Schiller spoke to David Walker

  • Eiopa's Petra Hielkema: stress tests and Orsas are good for climate risk management

    12 November 2021

    The chair of the EU's insurance authority talks to Christopher Cundy about the supervision of sustainability issues and explains why the own risk and solvency assessment (Orsa) and stress testing are the most important tools, right now

  • UK's PRT market set to soar after quiet H1

    20 July 2021

    Pension risk transfer (PRT) activity in the UK was subdued during the first half of this year, but insurance experts tell Ronan McCaughey they expect an incredibly busy H2

  • Insurance protection gaps: getting over the blame game

    09 February 2021

    Politicians and civil society tend to blame insurers for widening protection gaps. But insurers say governments and regulators must share responsibility. So what can be done to solve what all regard as a growing problem? Christopher Cundy reports from Eiopa's 10th anniversary conference

  • Mutuals' deferred shares could have saved LV= from demutualising

    15 December 2020

    With the British life insurer planning to demutualise with the £530m sale of its business, Cintia Cheong talks to AFM chief Martin Shaw about the prospects for the mutual sector in the UK

  • Eiopa in 2021: more staff, more responsibilities

    02 November 2020

    Europe's insurance authority is hiring nearly 35 more staff as its responsibilities grow. Executive director Fausto Parente explains what they will be doing, in conversation with Christopher Cundy

  • Pension superfunds "not a competing proposition", says L&G

    20 July 2020

    The pension risk transfer market and investment solutions put insurers in a strong position to manage defined-benefit pension liabilities, L&G's head of pricing and execution Pretty Sagoo tells Cintia Cheong

  • How Covid-19 is changing the UK's prudential supervision

    01 June 2020

    At a recent webinar organised by the Association of British Insurers, experts discussed what Covid-19 and Brexit might mean for the future direction of UK prudential regulation. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Eiopa's Gabriel Bernardino: climate disclosures will become mandatory

    17 December 2019

    Gabriel Bernardino, chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) joined InsuranceERM's Insurance Risk and Capital EMEA conference earlier this month. In a Q&A with Christopher Cundy, he answered questions about climate change, the Solvency II review and conduct risk