
  • Dutch insurers tread the MA minefield

    24 March 2015

    The Dutch regulator is poised to publish guidance for insurers on use of the matching adjustment. Repackaging of mortgage loans is one bone of contention, another is the treatment of pension contracts. Hugo Coelho reports

  • Infrastructure assets retain appeal for insurers

    17 April 2014

    Even if recent pension reforms result in falling demand for annuities in the UK, an increasingly competitive insurance market is likely to sustain the demand for high-yielding assets like infrastructure projects, say Michael Wilkins and Oliver Herbert

  • The UK pensions bombshell: opportunities among the wreckage?

    11 April 2014

    The UK annuities market is undergoing a dramatic change as the rules on retirement products are rewritten. In this article, Christopher Cundy looks at five major implications for products and strategy

  • FCA dices with actuaries in annuity profits probe

    14 February 2014

    The UK's Financial Conduct Authority wants to make the annuity markets more competitive, but tackling excess profitability and price differentiation may be a bigger challenge than it thinks. Christopher Cundy reports

  • The risks that we most worry about

    27 August 2013

    A poor economy is the biggest fear for the French, while the Chinese are most concerned about climate change and pollution. These are two of the findings from Swiss Re's global survey of risk perceptions, designed to open a dialogue about risks and how society tackles them in future. David Cole explains