
  • What's on the horizon for Bermuda's re/insurance market

    04 October 2019

    Deloitte’s Gokul Sudarsana talks to Christopher Cundy about his thoughts on some of the trends and challenges that face Bermuda's insurance market

  • Hong Kong approaches transition to risk-based capital

    12 September 2019

    Hong Kong’s long-awaited risk-based capital (RBC) regime is beginning to take shape ahead of its planned implementation in 2022. Paul Walsh reports on the latest developments

  • Why South Korea leads the way on IFRS 17

    04 June 2019

    South Korea has pioneered the adoption of the new accounting standard for insurance contracts, as well as coping with preparations for a new capital standard at the same time. Martin Sarjeant explains how

  • International capital standards: the US's chorus of disapproval

    16 May 2019

    Development of the global insurance capital standard (ICS) has always been controversial. But the level of ire expressed by the US government, regulators and insurers at this week's NAIC conference was unprecedented. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Eric Cioppa, the regulator's regulator

    10 January 2019

    Maine's superintendent of insurance has taken on the mantle of NAIC president for 2019. He talks to Sarfraz Thind about regulatory priorities and how he will marshal the 50 states to reach a common view

  • Ten years old today

    28 November 2018

    Peter Field reflects on a decade of publishing a title that has its roots in Solvency II but has broadened its coverage to all aspects of risk management in insurance companies worldwide

  • InsuranceERM's Technology Guide 2018-19 is now live

    09 October 2018

    Christopher Cundy introduces this year's guide to risk, capital and asset management software

  • IAIS gears up for a global supervisory regime

    04 September 2018

    Since the International Association of Insurance Supervisors introduced the Insurance Capital Standard in 2016, the industry and some supervisors have pushed for fundamental changes in a number of areas. With a new consultation package, the IAIS aspires to square the circle. Aggelos Andreou reports

  • Economic capital: the solution to two big insurance problems

    23 November 2017

    Using economic capital metrics makes for better business decisions and improves the wider understanding of profitability in the insurance sector. The opportunity is not to be missed, argue Gez Llanaj and Assad Shah

  • IAIS faces fresh debate on systemic risk – and clash on capital standard

    31 October 2017

    The International Association of Insurance Supervisors meeting in Kuala Lumpur this week comes amid a renewed debate about systemic risk in insurers and big questions about the deadlines for developing a global capital standard. Christopher Cundy reports