
  • Benchmarking the internal capital model

    07 November 2013

    Aon Benfield polled almost 100 users of its ReMetrica capital modelling software to compare how often they ran their internal models, their speed of processing, the number of people involved – and a host of other interesting questions. Jason Noronha and Wing Lam present the results

  • Early warning indicators need further refinement

    04 October 2013

    The UK's Prudential Regulation Authority is currently trialling the use of early warning indicators (EWIs) to monitor the outputs from insurers' internal models. With plans to extend their application across Europe, Russell Ward, Eoin O'Byrne and Lyndsay Wrobel examine how EWIs might perform in practice – and find there is room for improvement

  • Hopes build for better treatment of infrastructure investment under Solvency II

    27 September 2013

    Infrastructure investments provide a great match for insurers' liabilities, but Solvency II's crude view of the investment risk means money is not flowing as fast as it could. Milliman and JP Morgan Asset Management set out the justification for a review

  • Regulation: a billion-dollar problem that needs a strategic solution

    06 September 2013

    The wave of post-crisis regulation has already cost insurers billions and the industry should act to avoid worsening the impact on the bottom line. Better coordination, scenario planning and implementation frameworks are needed, say Francesco Nagari and Seb Cohen

  • How to develop multi-year capital projections for the ORSA

    29 August 2013

    Solvency II firms have a lot to do to develop their modelling capabilities into a multi-period capital projections. This is why Craig Turnbull and Andy Frepp recommend insurers invest in statistically robust multi-period capital proxy functions such as least-squares Monte Carlo

  • FSB widens scope of proposed resolution regime

    21 August 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's consultation on applying the key attributes of resolution regimes to non-banks implies an extension to the range of insurers under scrutiny, as well as to the powers available to supervisors, as InsuranceERM explains

  • Brazil awaits impact from market risk model

    16 August 2013

    Insurers in Brazil are awaiting the outcome of tests on a new model for calculating capital requirements for market risk - the latest step in the country's gradual move towards a Solvency II-style regime. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Solvency II should go global, says the PRA's Kathryn Morgan

    13 August 2013

    Kathryn Morgan of the UK's Prudential Regulation Authority is such a big fan of Solvency II that she would roll it out across the globe if she could. She also uses an ORSA in her personal life. She explains her enthusiasm for the planned regime in this interview with InsuranceERM

  • Mexican solvency reforms to test insurers' practices

    09 August 2013

    Mexico is due to implement its version of Solvency II in April 2015, but companies will face challenges in improving their risk management, governance and disclosure practices. Lorna Davies reports

  • Time to engage with recovery and resolution planning

    07 August 2013

    The blueprints for recovery and resolution planning are still in development, but insurers of significance to both the global and domestic markets would do well to pay attention now, as David Strachan explains