
  • ISSB and EU pledge to minimise the sustainability reporting overload

    31 October 2023

    European firms will have to comply with both EU and IFRS sustainability disclosure standards from their 2024 annual reports. But the two standard-setters have promised to be as harmonised as possible, as Joshua Geer reports

  • Top re/insurance regulatory priorities in the US and Bermuda

    27 October 2023

    Major regulatory developments are facing Bermudian and US re/insurers, and the key areas of supervisory focus on the horizon were discussed earlier this week at InsuranceERM's Bermuda conference. Christopher Cundy reports

  • UK's MA reforms: a fixation on attestation

    24 October 2023

    What do the PRA's proposed requirements for attesting matching adjustment benefits mean for insurers, and will it stop them investing in wider assets? Christopher Cundy and Paul Walsh report

  • ICS remains stuck in the transatlantic rift

    16 October 2023

    Thomas Sullivan, ex-Federal Reserve insurance chief, talks to Sarfraz Thind about his fight against the imposition of "European" capital standards on US markets

  • Transparency with teeth: UK regulator explains expectations on D&I

    11 October 2023

    The Financial Conduct Authority's Alicia Kedzierski justified the non-prescriptive and disclosure-based approach to improving diversity and inclusion, at yesterday's ABI event. Joshua Geer reports

  • Eiopa's third-country reinsurance rules must strike a delicate balance

    04 October 2023

    Achieving sound risk management while avoiding protectionism is crucial for addressing coverage gaps, argues Carlos Montalvo Rebuelta

  • Sharpening the aim on scope 3 emissions

    03 October 2023

    Value chain data is a necessary but notoriously difficult part of insurers' greenhouse gas emissions reporting. Joshua Geer explains the current challenges and sources of hope on scope 3 emissions

  • Bermuda rewrites the rulebook

    27 September 2023

    The BMA's regulatory revamp for the island's insurance industry is set for liftoff. It could remove one of the key advantages insurers have sought setting up there, as Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Why insurers do ERM

    20 September 2023

    What objectives do insurers have when they establish their enterprise risk management programmes? Dave Ingram polled the industry and shares his results

  • Who's to blame for the US insurance crisis?

    01 September 2023

    Is the growing US property insurance crisis caused by greedy insurers or sleepy regulators? Sarfraz Thind speaks to industry and consumer groups to get their perspectives