
  • Mass policy surrenders remain a blight on Europe's life insurers

    20 June 2023

    But reinsurers are stepping in to help manage lapse risk, and the EU's insurance chief is sanguine about the threat, as Christopher Cundy and Joshua Geer report

  • Divergent views and rising rates cool progress on EU's Solvency II reforms

    16 June 2023

    One year has passed since the European Parliament's Econ committee issued its draft text on the Solvency II reforms. Joshua Geer and Christopher Cundy investigate why the agenda has not progressed - and when a breakthrough might occur

  • Retail investor strategy and insurance: watch what's flying under the radar

    12 June 2023

    The European Commission's proposals to reform retail investment rules have implications for insurers - and some of the most important consequences are not obvious, as Carlos Montalvo explains

  • Prudential Financial's CRO discusses interest rates, AI and climate risk

    02 June 2023

    Meyrick Douglas has contended with banking stress in the US, rising interest rates, edgy markets and ChatGPT since becoming Prudential Financial's chief risk officer in November 2022. He sits down with Ronan McCaughey to discuss. Additional reporting by Paul Walsh

  • Phoenix's Leah Ramoutar: Why we should address nature and climate risk together

    30 May 2023

    A nature risk reporting framework to match the TCFD is being launched this year. Phoenix's head of climate and nature risk, Leah Ramoutar, tells Joshua Geer why insurers should consider climate and nature risk in tandem

  • "Exciting and scary": the insurance regulator's view on AI

    18 May 2023

    What does the proliferation of AI technology mean for a cautious industry like insurance? And how can regulators police this potentially limitless technology? The chair of the NAIC's innovation group, Kathleen Birrane, talks about the challenge with Sarfraz Thind

  • Climate alliances crumbled by anti-woke politics

    01 May 2023

    The unravelling of the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance owes a lot to right-wing US politics, where ESG and climate action is seen as a threat to business, as Sarfraz Thind discovers

  • Bermuda's Premier hitting the diversity divide

    21 April 2023

    David Burt is on a drive to let the world know that Bermuda is more than just blue seas and pink sands. He speaks to Sarfraz Thind about international insurance and closing racial divides

  • Shoring up Bermuda's life rulebook

    28 March 2023

    John Hele, Resolution Life's COO and vice-chair of Biltir, talks to Sarfraz Thind about the possible impacts from Bermuda's regulatory reform agenda and the increasing oversight of PE-backed and large international insurers

  • Bermuda's time for IAIGs

    14 March 2023

    Bermuda may soon identify its first internationally active insurance groups, according to the Bermuda Monetary Authority director of insurance supervision, Gerald Gakundi. Sarfraz Thind reports