
  • Insurers happy with UK's Solvency II plans, but capital savings remain uncertain

    28 April 2022

    The government has grabbed positive headlines with its proposals to reform Solvency II, but the industry is cautious about the how they will pan out. Cintia Cheong reports

  • A new standard for liability risk data

    07 April 2022

    Open data standards for risk modelling are helping improve the efficiency and value of risk management in the insurance sector, Today, a new standard for liability risks is being launched, as Dickie Whitaker explains

  • Connecting catastrophe with climate

    11 March 2022

    Christopher Cundy talks to Nick Hassam and Thomas Loridan, the founders of Reask, on how their physics-driven catastrophe models are enabling insurers to better understand climate risk

  • 2021 Atlantic hurricane season: "shorties", northeastern losses and rapid intensification

    21 December 2021

    This year's Atlantic hurricane season may not have broken the records of its predecessor, but it was notable for the emergence of several worrying trends. Paul Walsh reports

  • The FIO's climate letters reveal burning desires

    30 November 2021

    The Federal Insurance Office (FIO) has published a raft of comment letters after its request for information on climate regulation. Could this be the tinder to spark new rules? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Future pandemic risk pools will be shallow, not deep

    18 November 2021

    The concept of an all-encompassing government-backed risk pool to deal with the threat of future pandemics is all but dead. However, public support remains available for smaller schemes, as Paul Walsh reports

  • What's driving growth in nat cat losses?

    06 October 2021

    Experts at the Insurance Risk & Capital Americas conference discussed trends in natural catastrophe loss exposures, model constraints and how insurers should address insurability of high-risk properties. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Allianz's Aylin Somersan Coqui: with crises come opportunities

    28 July 2021

    The chief risk officer of one of the world's largest insurers talks to Cintia Cheong about her changing role, the risks Allianz faces and how Covid-19 has changed the way risk is managed

  • Cat modellers go physical to understand climate threats

    23 July 2021

    Insurers' modelling of natural catastrophes has predominantly relied on historical data, but this approach is becoming unsuitable as the climate changes. Paul Walsh investigates the new techniques being developed

  • Catastrophe modellers are red hot on climate

    09 July 2021

    InsuranceERM's annual roundup of developments among catastrophe modellers and platform providers finds one overwhelming theme: the need to provide insurers with better ways to understand the impact of climate change on risk. Cintia Cheong, Christopher Cundy, Ronan McCaughey and Paul Walsh report