
  • Insurers struggle to explain LDTI volatility to stakeholders

    06 July 2021

    From communication to interpretation, experts discussed their challenges with implementing the incoming US life insurance accounting standard at last week's webinar. Cintia Cheong reports

  • Insurers face "carrot or stick" decisions on climate change

    30 June 2021

    Underwriters' response to climate change in their day-to-day business has become a major bone of contention and is often boiling down to a debate over whether the focus should be on incentives or punishments. Paul Walsh reports

  • The alternative in life

    03 June 2021

    Luca Tres has been a pioneer in the development of the life ILS markets. As he begins a new role at Guy Carpenter, he talks to Christopher Cundy about the past and future at the intersection of re/insurance and capital markets

  • No room for complacency in 2021 Atlantic hurricane season

    31 May 2021

    Forecasters have predicted another "above-normal" hurricane season, although not as bad as 2020. But as the season gets underway, insurers and catastrophe modellers have stressed there is no place for complacency. Paul Walsh reports

  • Bermuda begins to move on climate

    05 April 2021

    The regulator's inaugural climate change survey has found the island's insurers could be doing much more to address the issues associated with global warming. But insurers certainly seem interested in making progress, as Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Regulators should encourage cat model diversity, says Oxford University study

    17 March 2021

    Researchers have shown how the re/insurance markets can benefit from using a diversity of catastrophe models to understand and price their risk. So what are regulators doing about it? Christopher Cundy reports

  • Steering NewRe through the Covid-19 stress test

    10 March 2021

    NewRe's chief risk officer (CRO) Christian Dahmen was highly commended in InsuranceERM's 2021 awards. He tells Ronan McCaughey about overhauling the reinsurer's risk management function and emerging risks to monitor

  • Is address-level pricing causing or solving natcat protection gaps?

    11 February 2021

    Consumers in high-risk districts are facing unaffordable premiums for property cover - a situation that some blame on insurers' increasingly detailed pricing methods. But insurers argue that address-level pricing allows them to close protection gaps. David Walker reports

  • The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season: breaking unexpected records

    27 November 2020

    This year will be remembered for the having the largest number of tropical storms, but it has been a relatively lucky season without serious losses. For insurers and risk modellers, the long-term impact may be the advances in technology forced upon them by the pandemic, as Paul Walsh reports

  • WTW's Rowan Douglas: riding the wave of climate risk awareness

    09 November 2020

    The head of Willis Towers Watson's Climate and Resilience Hub has been on a major hiring spree. He talks to Cintia Cheong about how interest in climate risk has surged and why insurers are demanding advice and analytical tools