
  • How actuaries can make a difference on climate risk

    14 October 2020

    Actuaries can play important roles in helping to address the challenges of climate-related risks, according to the International Actuarial Association. Ronan McCaughey reports

  • Cracks in the normal distribution challenge CROs

    09 October 2020

    Covid-19 is changing the way chief risk officers think and work. Eric Clapprood and David Sherwood talk to Sarfraz Thind about why CROs may need to focus on less extreme risks, and how they can adapt to the new normal

  • Value creation analysis finds an "enormous gap" between best and worst insurers

    14 August 2020

    BCG's analysis of value creation by insurers has found a massive gap between companies, much more so than in other industries. And the challenges posed by Covid-19 are putting extra pressure on the worst performers to respond. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Covid-19's consequences for solvency, stress and scenario testing

    23 July 2020

    What lessons have been learned from the solvency risks created by the pandemic? Three experts discuss with Christopher Cundy the reactions from insurers and supervisors, and the implications for future regulation

  • The insurance industry's climate change leaders

    30 June 2020

    Christopher Cundy introduces InsuranceERM's list of the people leading and shaping the insurance sector's response to climate change

  • Is a Pandemic Re the answer in a post-Covid-19 world?

    15 June 2020

    Experts have debated the need for a pandemic insurance risk backstop, what it should cover and how it should be funded. Ronan McCaughey reports from the latest of InsuranceERM's Covid-19 webinar series

  • Catastrophe risk modelling: platforms and models update

    09 June 2020

    InsuranceERM's round-up of developments at model vendors and platform providers AIR Worldwide, Impact Forecasting, Oasis LMF, RMS, Guy Carpenter, WTW, JBA, Nasdaq, KCC, ARA, Combus, CoreLogic, ERN and Fathom

  • Cat modelling awakens to climate change risk

    07 April 2020

    Responsibility for understanding the implications of climate change for insurers has largely fallen on the shoulders of the catastrophe modelling community. They are responding with a more dynamic and multi-faceted view, as Paul Walsh reports

  • Modelling the virus

    10 March 2020

    The spread of Covid-19 has not come as a surprise to everyone. Analytics firms are looking at the thousands of situations to model pandemics every day. However, it seems insurers are not quite up to scratch. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Australian life insurers arm up on the frontline of climate change

    13 February 2020

    Climate change is not just a worry for property and casualty insurers. In Australia, whose recent natural disasters are widely seen as harbingers of global warming, life and health firms recognise complacency is no option. David Walker reports