
  • Cat modelling awakens to climate change risk

    07 April 2020

    Responsibility for understanding the implications of climate change for insurers has largely fallen on the shoulders of the catastrophe modelling community. They are responding with a more dynamic and multi-faceted view, as Paul Walsh reports

  • Modelling the virus

    10 March 2020

    The spread of Covid-19 has not come as a surprise to everyone. Analytics firms are looking at the thousands of situations to model pandemics every day. However, it seems insurers are not quite up to scratch. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Australian life insurers arm up on the frontline of climate change

    13 February 2020

    Climate change is not just a worry for property and casualty insurers. In Australia, whose recent natural disasters are widely seen as harbingers of global warming, life and health firms recognise complacency is no option. David Walker reports

  • China's coronavirus outbreak could hit insurers severely - UPDATED

    24 January 2020

    Insurance experts talk to Ronan McCaughey about the mortality, operational and economic losses the deadly virus poses for the re/insurance industry

  • Making scenario planning meaningful, effective and manageable

    31 December 2019

    An expert panel at InsuranceERM's Regulation & Risk Management conference on 3 December in London shared their advice on stress and scenario planning, an activity that has become increasingly important for risk teams as they play a greater role in business strategy

  • Eiopa's Gabriel Bernardino: climate disclosures will become mandatory

    17 December 2019

    Gabriel Bernardino, chair of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) joined InsuranceERM's Insurance Risk and Capital EMEA conference earlier this month. In a Q&A with Christopher Cundy, he answered questions about climate change, the Solvency II review and conduct risk

  • Keeping control over deep learning models

    17 October 2019

    How can insurers' model risk management frameworks cope with the introduction of deep learning models? Ronald Richman, Nicolai von Rummell and Mario Wüthrich explain

  • Eiopa proposes extensive reforms for Solvency II 2020 review

    15 October 2019

    Over 878 pages, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has put forward dozens of important reforms to the EU’s solvency regime. Christopher Cundy summarises the main issues and shares his opinion on the potential impacts

  • The technology trends in risk and capital management

    10 October 2019

    As re/insurers look to implement IFRS 17, manage cyber risk and drive modelling efficiencies, software vendors are gearing up to respond. Cloud and process automation solutions also figure highly in this year's InsuranceERM Technology Guide, introduced by Ronan McCaughey

  • Views of enterprise risk management in 2030

    29 August 2019

    Chief risk officers who want to participate in the strategy of their organisations will need to develop their vision for the future of the ERM function. Willis Towers Watson executives share their views on how risk management might evolve