
  • Decoding IFRS 17 from an investment perspective

    30 April 2019

    Efforts by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to clarify the definition of investment components within an insurance contract have been welcomed by some stakeholders. However, others argue a new proposal from the board could spark confusion. Cintia Cheong explains

  • Top technology tools for actuaries

    23 April 2019

    The actuarial world may sometimes be perceived as a stolid profession, but the development and integration of new technologies means the sector is moving apace. A survey by the US Society of Actuaries highlights the key technology trends in the business. Sarfraz Thind explains

  • "The Solvency II review is a Herculean task for regulators"

    11 April 2019

    Talanx's chief risk officer Gerhard Stahl talks to David Walker about the 2020 review of Solvency II, how to improve risk reporting, and the story behind ESG integration

  • A shake-up of Australian earthquake modelling

    26 March 2019

    David Walker finds that much has changed in the risk models used to assess the country's seismic hazard - and in the mentality of the modellers themselves

  • Tunaru report into equity-release mortgages may be good news for insurers

    22 February 2019

    Radu Tunaru's research into how to value the no-negative equity guarantee contained within equity-release mortgages is sparking more debate about this major issue for UK life insurers. Christopher Cundy reports on the finding

  • US cyber insurance: plugging-in to growth

    14 February 2019

    There are strong forecasts for growth in the cyber insurance markets, but insurers have obstacles to surmount if they are to be successful. Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Australia raises its game on wildfire loss models

    08 February 2019

    Ten years ago, Australia suffered one of its worst outbreaks of bushfires that burned 300,000 hectares and took 173 lives. David Walker reports on how wildfire modelling has developed to cope with this increasing threat

  • Capital models: run, review, repeat

    15 January 2019

    Recent surveys by consultancies Willis Towers Watson and PwC have revealed how UK life insurers have revised their approach to capital modelling. Christopher Cundy reports on some of the highlights

  • Eric Cioppa, the regulator's regulator

    10 January 2019

    Maine's superintendent of insurance has taken on the mantle of NAIC president for 2019. He talks to Sarfraz Thind about regulatory priorities and how he will marshal the 50 states to reach a common view

  • The state of play in cyber risk modelling

    18 December 2018

    Sarfraz Thind talks to Jeremy Platt, US cyber specialty practice leader at Guy Carpenter, to get the broker's view on the latest developments in cyber risk management and modelling