
  • Who's to blame for the US insurance crisis?

    01 September 2023

    Is the growing US property insurance crisis caused by greedy insurers or sleepy regulators? Sarfraz Thind speaks to industry and consumer groups to get their perspectives

  • Canopius's Sheldon Lacy: risk functions connect the dots, so the business can thrive

    21 August 2023

    The speciality re/insurer's CRO discusses with Ronan McCaughey how a structured programme of transformation has impacted the risk function, and how it's making progress on climate risk and DEI

  • Rethinking our relationship with catastrophe models

    14 August 2023

    Catastrophe models provide insights for underwriters and risk managers about how to price re/insurance and manage accumulation risk. But the relationship is fraught with some fundamental problems that Tom Philp wants to solve, as he explains to Christopher Cundy

  • Zurich's Colleen Zitt: a constructive approach to risk management

    01 August 2023

    Colleen Zitt has certainly had her hands full in the three years since she became Zurich North America's CRO. But the experience has advanced her ability to manage risk, she tells Sarfraz Thind

  • Gerhard Stahl: "We will all have to be Picassos in the future"

    18 July 2023

    Systemic risks such as climate change, pandemic and cyber are posing questions about the role of insurance. Talanx's former chief risk officer discusses how actuaries, governments and regulators should step up to the challenge, in this interview with David Walker

  • Lapse risk and capital management strategies: rewriting the script

    04 July 2023

    Mass lapse risk has returned to haunt European life insurers, prompted a rethink of the approach to risk and capital management, as Luca Tres explains in the second of this two-part series

  • Lapse risk and capital management strategies: back in the spotlight

    27 June 2023

    Mass lapse risk has returned to haunt European life insurers, prompted a rethink of the approach to risk and capital management, as Luca Tres explains in the first of this two-part series

  • Insurers' TCFD reporting: differences, similarities and highlights

    08 June 2023

    Now that many insurers have released their Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure reporting for the year, Joshua Geer compares the results and picks out highlights across the four pillars of the framework

  • Prudential Financial's CRO discusses interest rates, AI and climate risk

    02 June 2023

    Meyrick Douglas has contended with banking stress in the US, rising interest rates, edgy markets and ChatGPT since becoming Prudential Financial's chief risk officer in November 2022. He sits down with Ronan McCaughey to discuss. Additional reporting by Paul Walsh

  • Phoenix's Leah Ramoutar: Why we should address nature and climate risk together

    30 May 2023

    A nature risk reporting framework to match the TCFD is being launched this year. Phoenix's head of climate and nature risk, Leah Ramoutar, tells Joshua Geer why insurers should consider climate and nature risk in tandem