
  • Nine global systemically important insurers named

    19 July 2013

    The Financial Stability Board's designation of systemically risky insurers has brought howls of protest from the industry, but the impact on the nine firms is not easy to gauge. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Emerging risks test re/insurers' monitoring systems

    28 June 2013

    In an ever more complex, interconnected and fast-moving world, the task of spotting the emerging risks that could have critical impacts on insurance companies is becoming harder. Christopher Cundy reports on how firms are tackling the issue

  • Structural modelling offers new approach to operational risk

    13 June 2013

    Structural or causal models also enable operational risk predictions to be explained to non-specialists in a way that is easy to understand, argue Josh Corrigan, Neil Cantle and Fred Vosvenieks

  • Actuaries' varying roles highlighted by Fulcher careers

    28 May 2013

    Paul and Graham Fulcher between them have worked in life, general insurance, reinsurance and investment banking firms, evidence of the transferability of actuarial skills, as well as different career paths. But neither of the twins is a fan of Solvency II, as Chris Cundy finds out

  • Asia solvency reforms - part 3

    24 May 2013

    In the third and final part of our feature on the developments of insurance regulation in Asia, we look developments in the growing market of India, as well as Indonesia, South Korea and Taiwan

  • Asia solvency reforms - part 2

    17 May 2013

    In the second part of our feature on the developments of Asian regulatory regimes for insurers, Lorna Davies and Chris Cundy look in to solvency reforms in Malaysia, Japan and Thailand

  • Bermuda pressing on regardless of Solvency II

    15 May 2013

    Bermuda's efforts to improve its supervision of insurance companies have suffered few setbacks, unlike in Europe. Craig Swan, managing director of supervision at the Bermuda Monetary Authority, tells Lorna Davies how the country will this year introduce new rules for captives, group capital requirements and internal models

  • Scor's Philippe Trainar: "implement Solvency II now, update later"

    08 May 2013

    Eiopa's Solvency II preparation guidelines envisage implementing some elements of the legislation before others – a move, says Scor chief risk officer Philippe Trainar, that will undermine its effectiveness and add to the burden on insurers. He talks to Lorna Davies

  • Generating return in a cold climate

    03 May 2013

    Low interest rates are prompting insurers to look to further afield in their hunt for yield. For those with resources and dedication, two major areas of focus right now are corporate loans and infrastructure lending. But are these the assets of the future that many say they are? Sarfraz Thind reports

  • Separating country risks from national finances

    19 April 2013

    The use of sovereign ratings as a stand-in for country risk is proving problematic for many insurers and credit analysts, say Marcel Heinrichs and Ivelina Stanoeva